Energy Work & the Power of Scent

Woman smeling spring flowers

Scent and Energy Healing

The power of scent can be one of the most underrated senses people cultivate. We are all aware that certain smells can transport us instantly to our grandmother’s kitchen, a childhood memory, or revitalize us like the smell of an impending storm.

Using scents in your own energy work can assist in accessing core memories to redefine traumatic events, or you may learn how to invoke support through specific scents. I often use essential oils in my practice to help in relaxation, open energy fields and also to help ground clients during a session.   

Essential oils can be diffused in the air or applied to the body with a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba oil) to protect your skin. It’s effective to rub a few drops on the back of your neck and the soles of your feet. You can also simply uncap a bottle and smell the oil for a few deep breaths, especially if you’re traveling. The important thing is to use your sense of smell!

As far as brands go, I recommend doing your research, since not all essential oils are created equally in terms of potency, reliability, quality, and sustainability.

When you are using the Luminous guidance cards you may find you don’t have the oil that is recommended. You can always substitute with a similar oil (do your research and use your intuition for recommendations) or pick a food item or herb that is similar (i.e. fresh rosemary if you don’t have rosemary oil, fresh cut lemon instead of lemon oil).


Frankincense: For its sacred and divine healing properties.

Rose: this floral scent lowers blood pressure, heart rates, breathing rates, cortisol levels, and blood oxygen levels.

Tulsi: holy basil for its protective and uplifting nature.

Vetiver: earthy scent for calming, harmonizing, and restoring.

Peppermint: stimulating, assists with focusing, also can mitigate feelings of grief, worry. 

I encourage you to play with different scents to see what they activate within you. Incorporating scents in your healing work or just part of your daily routine can move your energy work leaps and bounds. Not sure where to start? Get a Luminous deck and learn what scents can support you best as well as crystals and food.

Cheering you on as you gain new insights and healing while you navigate  your intuitive, energy journey,



The Magic of Ceremony


How to Manage Your Energy Better