The Magic of Ceremony


Here in the Northern Hemisphere we celebrate The Spring Equinox. The Equinox is a powerful time of renewal and rebirth, a time of great importance, marking the end of the dark, cold winter and the beginning of the fertile, abundant spring. March 20th is when the forces of light and darkness become equal, they are in balance, creating a powerful energetic portal for transformation. This is a time when we can release the old and embrace the new, plant new seeds of intention, and align with the natural rhythms of the earth, calling in abundance and healing. The equinox ushers in a renewal of life. 

In the Southern hemisphere, March 20th  marks the beginning of Autumn (the Autumn Equinox), marking a time of completion as the earth in the southern Hemisphere moves into a time of harvest, a time of reflection and stillness as the winter months return.

The equinox is a time to honor the earth's seasons and life-giving force with ceremony and celebration. In either hemisphere, we celebrate a closing of cycles and a stepping into a new way of being.

One way to embody the energy of the Spring Equinox is through ceremony. This can be as simple as taking a moment outside to meditate and release the challenges of the closing cycle.

One way to embody the energy of the Spring Equinox is through the practice of an Ayni (Reciprocity) despacho. A despacho is a traditional Andean ceremony that involves the creation of a sacred offering to Mother Earth, Pachamama. The offering is made up of various elements, such as flowers, herbs, seeds, candies, sugar, and crystals, each symbolizing a different intention or prayer. The despacho is then offered to the earth, with the intention of bringing about balance, harmony, and healing.

Ceremony Services

Setting intentions to mark the passage of time, gratitude, releasing of old ways and calling in something new is important to the human spirit and an acknowledgement to the living, breathing world around us. Let me help you with a tailored shamanic ceremony session for whatever the occasion.


Every despacho ceremony starts with a clear intention for what you wish to release or manifest in your life. This can be anything from releasing old patterns or beliefs, to calling in abundance or healing. 

The despacho begins by opening sacred space. Natural materials and other sacred objects have been gathered in a very mindful way. Gathering items like flowers, herbs, seeds, and crystals, and arranging them in a pattern that feels meaningful during the ceremony, creating a beautiful prayerful mandala.  You can also include small personal items, such as photographs or mementos, to represent your intentions. Important to the despacho, is a 3 piece bay leaf offering known as a Qinto, (blowing your prayers into each Qinto you are compelled to include), these are also placed with reverence into the sacred despacho.

Here is a sample list of elements and meaning, but you are encouraged to personalize and use resources natural to the environment you live in.

Leaves - Represent purification, protection, and blessings.

Corn - Symbolizes abundance and prosperity.

Cinnamon sticks - Represent sweetness, love, and harmony.

Cocoa or chocolate - Symbolizes fertility, abundance, and pleasure.

Flowers - (such as roses, marigolds, or carnations) - Represent beauty, gratitude, and love.

Herbs - (such as sage, mint, or lavender) - Symbolize healing, purification, and protection.

Honey - Represents sweetness, love, and healing.

Incense - (such as palo santo or copal) - Symbolizes purification, blessings, and connection with the spirit world.

Raisins - Prayers for our ancestors

Seeds (such as quinoa, beans, or alfalfa) - Represent new beginnings, growth, and nourishment.

Stones or crystals (such as quartz, amethyst, or rose quartz) - Symbolize grounding, protection, and healing energy.

Sugar - Represents sweetness, abundance, and harmony.

Tobacco - Symbolizes respect and gratitude for the earth and ancestors.

Wine or alcohol - Represents celebration, gratitude, and connection with the divine.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other ingredients that can be used in a despacho ceremony, depending on the intention and tradition. The most important thing is to approach the ceremony with respect, gratitude, and an open heart, and to offer your intentions and prayers to the earth and the heavens, with sincerity and love.

Just as with any ceremony, the key component is intention. Recognizing the energy of Pachamama, the universe and your connection with it are important in creating harmony within. If you would like to experience a ceremony to denote a time of release, bringing in new energy, or to offer gratitude to the land, don’t hesitate to reach out for a ceremony catered to you.

I wish you a beautiful Spring Equinox and a happy, healthy, and adventurous New Year,



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