How to Use Crystals to Support Your Energetic Field

As part of your energy toolkit, crystals can be a powerful way to support your energetic field and improve your overall well-being. There are generally accepted principles in the crystal world as to which crystal goes with which energy center, but these do not need to be expressly followed. If a suggested crystal does nothing for your unique energetic field, there is no need to use it. This is why you should always touch, look at, and connect with a crystal before purchasing. While you have it, work with it to get to understand its relationship to you and the reciprocity of energy between you and how it expresses itself. The crystal does not have to be purchased. The power of stones and crystals found on the beach, in the mountains, or deserts—even in your backyard can be incredibly healing and expand your energy. Let your intuition assist you.

It’s important to choose a crystal that resonates with your specific needs. For example, if you are looking to enhance your creativity, you may choose to work with a citrine crystal. If you are experiencing anxiety, you may choose to work with a calming crystal like amethyst. Do some research on the different properties of crystals and choose one that aligns with your intentions.

Before using your crystal for energetic support, it’s ideal to cleanse it. Crystals can absorb foreign energy from their surroundings, and you don’t want to bring that into your energetic field. There are many ways to cleanse your crystal, including smudging it with sage, placing it in salt water, or leaving it in the sun or moonlight for a period of time. Some crystals do get damaged in sunlight or water, so be sure to do your research. Otherwise choose a method that feels right to you and be sure to cleanse your crystal regularly.

Luminous Card Deck

Get recommended foods, essential oils and crystals to work with in my Luminous card deck. This deck takes a shamanic approach to harmonic body, mind and spirit to help you tap into your own intuition.

Once you have chosen and cleansed your crystal, it’s time to set your intention. The biggest key to working with crystals is the clarity of your intentions. Spend time placing your attention on the crystal and connecting with it. Your intention is the specific goal or desire you have for working with the crystal. Take a moment to focus your energy and visualize as you hold the crystal in your hand. If you don’t have the crystal a website, oracle card or person recommends, don’t worry. Substitute with a crystal your intuition guides you to.

To support your energetic field, you can place your crystal directly on or near your body. You may choose to hold it in your hand during meditation, place it on a specific chakra, or wear it as jewelry. Whatever method you choose, make sure that the crystal is in close proximity to your body so that its energetic properties can work effectively.

Meditation is a powerful tool for connecting with your inner self and enhancing your energetic field. You can use your crystal during meditation to amplify your intentions and support your overall well-being. Hold the crystal in your hand or place it on your body as you meditate, and focus on your intention as you breathe deeply and allow yourself to relax.

Carrying your crystal with you throughout the day is another way to support your energetic field. You can place it in your pocket, wear it as jewelry, or keep it on your desk at work. Having the crystal in close proximity to your body can help you stay grounded and focused throughout the day.

I invite you to explore your connection with stones and crystals and see how they move you. They are an easy tool for connection to your energetic field and a physical reminder to be intentional throughout the day. Give it a try and see how the power of crystals can help you feel more balanced, centered, and connected to your inner self.

 Wishing you a beautiful journey to intuitive connection,



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